In 1997, HTCC was formed to conduct a countywide assessment in order to discover the needs of the community and then better address the health problems in a coordinated, efficient and effective way.

The original assessment data indicated some clear priorities and a need for a coordinated effort. Since then, HTCC has tackled

  • Asthma
  • Hypertension
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

Currently, the collaboration is implementing a new strategic plan that includes three areas of focus:

1. Increasing access to healthy foods in underserved areas through a suite of strategies, including surveying and mapping existing healthy retail merchants by zip code, expanding the network of healthy corner stores, seeing new models for mobile fresh produce sales, and supporting development of urban agriculture (Grow Southeast).

2. Increasing local policies that support health and wellbeing.

3. Increasing resident engagement with member organizations utilizing ReThink Health’s Resident Engagement Practices Typology.

Tarrant County is healthier because of this unique
vision of partnership and a generous collaborative spirit.
See some of our accomplishments.